《And You And I》這首歌的歌詞用的字彙都很簡單,然而組成的詞句所代表的意義卻是晦澀難解,只能憑個人主觀感受去體會它欲傳達的意境,就像李商隱所寫的詩《錦瑟》:
我們無法確切知道詩中的這些名詞分別象徵什麼,但整首詩似乎又完整的呈現了某種情緒與感嘆;而我並不認為將《錦瑟》翻譯成白話文可以幫助我們了解這首詩更多,反而會將原有的美感扯得支離破碎。所以對於《And You And I》我放棄逐字推敲每個字代表的真正意義(好吧,我承認是在絞盡腦汁仍不得其解之後),而是先聽從歌曲本身給我的感覺,再依據字面呈現的意象來詮釋這首歌。
首先Jon Anderson 原本的聲音即如冬夜星空般既乾淨又冷冽,在這首歌裡又用帶點空靈的唱腔在電子合成樂器所創造的飄渺空間感中吟唱,立即令我聯想到在浩瀚宇宙中的旅行者。事實上歌詞也有提及時間、太空(Space)、太陽與地球;而多次出現的海洋、山谷、河流等自然景觀,也是以從高處俯瞰的角度來描述,彷彿敘述者心靈已經進入某種更高的境界。所以我感覺這首歌曲是在談生命與宇宙合而為一的神祕經驗,基於這樣的認知我們再回頭去理解歌詞的意義。
I. cord of life
A man conceived a moment's answers to the dream,
Staying the flowers daily, sensing all the themes.
As a foundation left to create the spiral aim,
A movement regained and regarded both the same,
All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.
Changed only for a sight of sound, the space agreed.
Between the picture of time behind the face of need,
Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,
Emotion revealed as the ocean maid,
All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.
Turn round tailor, coins and
Assaulting all the mornings of the crosses
Interest shown, never know
Presenting one another to the cord, their fruitless worth;
All left dying, rediscovered cords are broken,
Of the door that turned round, locked inside
To close the cover, the mother earth.
All the interest shown, they won't
To turn one another, to the sign hide, hold, they won't
At the time tell you, watching the world,
To float your climb, watching all of the world,
Watching us go by.
And you and i climb over the sea to the valley,
And you and i reached out for reasons to call.
第一節全部只用了電吉他與簡單的和弦伴奏,Jon Anderson在第一段的歌詞即開門見山地講出他的頓悟:生命的意義原本即存在於我們自身,猶如植物的開花結果在它猶是一顆種子之始即已決定。就像藤蔓依螺旋方式前進,看似迂迴徒勞,實則一步一步慢慢的堅定前進。
Ii. eclipse
Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,
Emotion revealed as the ocean maid,
As a movement regained and regarded both the same,
All complete in the side of seeds of life with you.
第二節突然用電子樂器推昇出飄渺神遊的氛圍,Jon Anderson的歌聲也變成較激昂投入。雖然這四句歌詞在第一節的一、二段中已經出現過,但之前是一種說理,在這裡卻是呈現已經頓悟後的狂喜狀態。
Iii. the preacher the teacher
Sad preacher nailed upon the coloured door of time;
Insane teacher be there reminded of the rhyme.
There'll be no mutant enemy we shall certify;
Political ends, as sad remains, will die.
Reach out as forward tastes begin to enter you.
Ooh, ooh.
I listened hard but could not see
Life tempo change out and inside me.
The preacher trained in all to lose his name;
The teacher travels, asking to be shown the same.
In the end, we'll agree, we'll accept, we'll immortalize
That the truth of the man maturing in his eyes,
All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.
Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,
As a moment regained and regarded both the same,
Emotion revealed as the ocean maid,
A clearer future, morning, evening, nights with you.
在第三節Jon Anderson欲破除教條式的規範,他認為這種與天同感的神祕經驗是可以自省而得,並不需要透過宗教上的代理人──牧師或神父,也不需要所謂的心靈導師,更沒有基於政治理由所作的敵我區分;每個人都是平等的,只要傾聽內心的聲音,隨著智慧的開展,未來也會愈來愈清晰,正如一開始強調的:這一切就像在種子內部早已完成。
Iv. apocalypse
And you and i climb, crossing the shapes of the morning.
And you and i reach over the sun for the river.
And you and i climb, clearer, towards the movement.
And you and i called over valleys of endless seas.
最後Jon Anderson平靜的邀請大家一同踏上正確的道路,追尋天人合一的境界。而這裡標題下了是「天啟」,卻用了諸多自然景觀的意象來表達,就是不寫上帝(God)一詞,很明顯的並不認為獲得天啟的神祕經驗是來自於宗教上的上帝,而是較接近東方哲學中天地自然的「天」,就像所謂的「一砂一世界、一花一如來」。